Website online!

And here it is, the first version of my photo site is online 🙂.
After some time of gestation, the first version has finally been finalized and I will be able to focus on the most important thing: to drink! to photograph.

The blog will allow me to share a little bit of my photo experience with you, whether personal or professional.

This will be done by simply sharing with you some photos of my travels or sessions in a private setting (such as an aerial meeting, skiing) but also my professional experience, the progress of my approach, my experience with wedding, etc...

I will also eventually take advantage of this blog to make a parallel between artistic acquisition as presented on this site and laboratory shooting which presents another aspect of photography and my life. 

Indeed, we are generally unaware that in order to unravel the physical problems that make it possible to improve the safety of an aircraft (or rocket), its performance and comfort, many complex tests take place and are often recorded by various means of photography. Each of these means is a particular photographic experience.

I wish you a good reading and a good visit 🙂.

Ariane 5